Moonlight Oxon
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These are LOCAL services only. If an area code isn't supplied then use 01865 if you need to (ie if you are calling with a Mobile Phone etc)

· Alex Turnball Clinic - call 486122 (family planning service)

· Citizens Advice Bureau - call 247578 or 247578

· Cruse - call 245398 (bereavement counselling)

· Drinkline - call 0800 917 8282

· Eating Disorders Association - call 01603 621414 (advice on all eating disorders)

· Mental Health Matters 728981- A resource centre for virtually all needs, although you may be referred to another group Mental Health Matters is often the first port of call.

· National Drugs Helpline - call 0800 77 66 00

· NHS Direct - call 0845 4647

· Oxford Friend - call 726893 (information & support for lesbian women & gay men)

· Quitline - call 0800 00 2200 (support line for those giving up smoking)

· Rape Crisis Line - call 726295 (phone cover & answer machine)

· Relate - call 242960 (relationship counselling)

· Release - call 0207 603 8654 (Advice line on the consequences of drug misuse)

· Samaritans - call 722122 (24 hour listening service for anyone in distress)

· Terrence Higgins Trust, Oxfordshire - call 243389 (advice, support, information)

· The Harrison Department - call 246036 (confidential service re HIV testing etc)

· The Libra Project - call 723500 (local alchohol and drug information and counselling)